


BlushyLady Affiliate Program

Become an Blushy Affiliate

Join our affiliate community and earn money through referring different cosmetic products

Frequently asked questions

How do I create a referral link in Impact?

To generate your referral link, log in to our affiliate portal on the Impact website. Inside your dashboard, you'll find the option to create your unique referral link. Simply follow the instructions provided to generate and share your link.

How do I join the Affiliate Program?

Joining is a straightforward process. Start by filling out the application form provided on our website. Afterward, take a moment to review and agree to our affiliate agreement and terms and conditions. Once we receive your application, we'll carefully assess it against our criteria. Upon approval, you'll be granted access to your personalised affiliate dashboard.

Can I refer people I know?

Absolutely! We encourage you to share the program with your network, friends, and family. Your referrals can benefit from the program just like anyone else.

When and How do I get paid?

Commissions are typically paid within 15 days from the date of your successful sales. You'll receive your earnings through the method you specify in your Agreement. We offer payment options only from bank transfer and ESewa.
How much can I earn in commissions?

Commission rates are product-specific and may vary. You'll find a comprehensive list of commissions for different products and collections in your dedicated affiliate portal on our website.

What do I do if I’ve forgotten my login details?

No worries! On the login page of the affiliate portal, you'll find a "Forgot Password" link. Click on it, and you'll receive instructions to reset your passwo
Do I need to invest any money to join?

No, becoming an affiliate is completely free. There are no upfront costs or investments required.

Affiliate Agreement

Affiliate marketing is a type of online marketing where affiliate marketers earn specific commission by promoting Blushylady Enterprises Pvt. Ltd products or services available in their official website. Affiliate marketers get their own system generated link of the required products which helps to track their referrals and pay a percentage of the sale price made through their link. It is a form of performance-based marketing where the commission acts as an incentive or reward for the affiliate; this commission is usually a percentage of the price of the product being sold, but can also be a flat rate per referral.

1. Legal Requirements: Affiliates are required to adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and standards while promoting and marketing the company's products or services. Any breach of legal agreement may result in immediate termination from

2. Monetary Requirements: Affiliates are not required to make any monetary investments to participate in the affiliate program. Enrollment and participation are completely free of charge.

3. Nature of the Partnership: The affiliate relationship established by this program is non-exclusive and does not imply any form of employment, partnership, or agency between the affiliate and the company. 

4. Application and Acceptance: Submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance into the program. The company reserves the right to review and accept or reject applications at its sole discretion. 

5. How the Affiliate Program Works: Affiliates are provided with unique referral links or codes that track their referrals and sales. Commissions are earned for purchases made by customers who use the affiliate's referral link.

Responsibilities of the Affiliate and the Business:

1. Affiliate Responsibilities: Affiliates are responsible for creating and implementing their own marketing strategies, adhering to ethical standards, and complying with the terms of this agreement.

2. Business Responsibilities: The company is responsible for providing support, access to marketing materials, timely commission payments, and maintaining the affiliate portal.
Commission and Payment:
  • Affiliates will earn a commission as specified in the agreement for each successful referral that results in a purchase.
  • Commission payments will be processed on a schedule outlined in the affiliate portal.
  • Payments will be made in the local currency or as otherwise agreed upon on their respective bank account or esewa.

Link Promotion: Affiliates are encouraged to promote their unique referral links through ethical and legitimate means, such as personal websites, blogs, social media, and email marketing, Tiktok etc. Spamming and misleading practices are strictly prohibited.
Brand Promotion:
  • Affiliates may use the company's approved marketing materials for promotional purposes.
  • Any alteration of branding or messaging requires prior approval from the company.
Affiliate Tracking: The company will utilize tracking technology to monitor and attribute referrals to specific affiliates. Affiliates should ensure proper tracking implementation to receive accurate commission credit.

Performance Expectation:
  • Affiliates are expected to actively engage in promoting the company's products and generating sales through their referral links.
  • Affiliates will be given a period of six (6) months from the date of enrollment to achieve a minimum sales as defined by the company.

Confidentiality Agreement: Affiliates agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary, sensitive, or confidential information shared by the company during the course of the program.

Termination or Suspension: The company reserves the right to terminate or suspend an affiliate's participation in the program for violation of the terms and conditions, including but not limited to breach of legal requirements, unethical behaviour, or misrepresentation.

Got questions before getting started?

If you have any questions about any of this, please let us know and we'll be with you as soon as we can!